New donation Sept., 2016:
Project S.A.V.E. is rejoicing in a gift from the American Endowment Foundation, thanks to the generosity of a private individual. We are so grateful! In addition we have received several truck loads of equipment and supplies from Enloe Medical Center and JM Keckler Medical Co. This has been an amazing week of blessings for us. Thank you!! We are still in need of a major source for consumable supplies as Medline Industries has stopped delivering regular donations to us. Pray that this need will be met soon.

International Medical Project
Leon Randall (background) of International Medical Project partners with Chico Project S. A. V. E. to truck in used gurneys and incubators for shipment to needy hospitals overseas.
Leon Randall (background) of International Medical Project partners with Chico Project S. A. V. E. to truck in used gurneys and incubators for shipment to needy hospitals overseas.

On July 7, 2015, we sent our 11th 20 ft. container to Papua, New Gunea, to the Kudjip Nazarene Hospital which has now become the best supplied hospital in the entire region. Dr. Bill McCoy, who works there, had 10 family members here help load the shipment, including his son and daughter with their families. The first container shipped by Chico Project S.A.V.E. (from our garage) started with Dr. McCoy in 2004.
Claudia Vazquez along with her dad, Noe, and brother, Josh, trucked a lot of equipment from Fortuna, CA to Chico Project S.A.V.E. designated for Upon This Rock Medical Clinic and Kristina Chesterman Clinic in Ozu Abam, Nigeria, on July 4, 2015. Included were two laprascopic towers from Redwood Memorial Hospital and an anesthesia machine from anesthesiologist Peter Goldberg, MD, and Miae Lee, CRNA.
30 yo Robert Never grew as a foster child to become an entrepreneur. He recently bid on goods from a trucking company and found 5 pallets of medical supplies which he donated to Chico Project save 6/25/15.
Some of these will be shipped to Ghana, Africa to treat burn victims.
Some of these will be shipped to Ghana, Africa to treat burn victims.
The shipment to Paynesville, Liberia was loaded 6/20/15 and sponsored by Friends in Jesus African Church in Sacramento with Pastor Tim Wulah and Tommie helping with the load.
Our recent 40 ft container load to Cambodia, June 6, 2015.
Other recent news from Project S.A.V.E. - a shipment heads to Monrovia!
Many wonderful workers blessed us on January 19, 2015 with all their help! This wonderful
group of helpers loaded a 40ft. B.C. container for Monrovia,
Liberia! An ultrasound, 2 birthing beds, 2 anesthesia machines and a
total of 931 items/boxes were included! Lots of great supplies are on
their way to you, Hon Saah H. Joseph! A special thanks to everyone who helped us make this possible. Enjoy the photos!